Ghassan Ghaib - Artist Bio

Ghassan Ghaib
In a Few Words
Born In: Baghdad, Iraq (1964)
Lives In: Glendale, CA, USA
Background: Ghassan Ghaib is an accomplished artist who is proficient in painting and sculpture.
Style & Media: With a keen eye for contemporary issues, Ghaib infuses historical elements into his art, giving it a unique twist by adding figures from another time.
Themes: His art mirrors the social and real-life aspects of human existence, eloquently capturing emotions and evoking empathy.
In a Few More Words
Ghassan Ghaib's artistic journey began with a passion for art that emerged during his formative years. He nurtured this creative spark, eventually embarking on a formal artistic education, earning a diploma from the Fine Arts Institute in Baghdad in 1986. Ghaib continued to hone his skills and dedication to the craft, culminating in his attainment of a BA in Fine Arts from the Academy of Fine Arts in Baghdad.
Being deeply connected to his Iraqi roots and having witnessed the unfolding consequences of war in his homeland, Ghaib's art often carries poignant narratives from the Arab World. Ghaib uses his creations as a means of expressing not only his personal experiences but also the collective stories of those affected by the tumultuous events that have taken place in the region.
Unlike other artists, Ghaib's approach to art is marked by his fusion of the present with the past. Drawing inspiration from contemporary issues, he masterfully incorporates historical elements into his works. Whether he's expertly sketching figures on canvas or sculpting intricate forms, Ghassan embellishes his modern vision with echoes of ancient civilizations, bringing a timeless quality to his creations.
Ghassan Ghaib's art is a reflection of life's diverse moments, capturing the essence of both fleeting and significant events. Through his artistic expressions, he conveys themes of persistence, hope, and resilience in the face of challenges and adversity.
Ghaib's artistic prowess has garnered international recognition and acclaim, leading to his participation in numerous exhibitions across the globe. From showcasing his immaculate pieces in the Arab world to captivating audiences in Europe and the United States, Ghaib's artwork transcends boundaries, touching hearts, and minds with its evocative storytelling.
Key Exhibitions
Our Planet Today (Thinking green), Orfali Gallery, Amman, Jordan (2022)
Artist Book Exhibition, Orfali Gallery, Amman, Jordan (2021)
Butterfly Wing, Orfali Gallery, Amman, Jordan (2019)
Banned From Paradise, Karim Gallery, Amman, Jordan (2010)
Art Sawa Gallery, Dubai, UAE (2010)
Orfali Gallery, Amman, Jordan (2001)
Object of Imagination: Contemporary Arab Ceramics, Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts, Amman, Jordan (2019)
Theater of Operations: The Gulf Wars 1991-2011, MoMA PS1's Exhibition, New York, NY, USA (2019)
Nostalgia, Ghassan Ghaib with Ahmed Al Bahrani, Jacaranda Images, Amman, Jordan (2012)
Creativity Award, Baghdad, Iraq (2000)
3rd Award, Contemporary Iraqi Art Festival, Baghdad, Iraq (1996)
The 6th Al Wasiti Award (1987)
Art Center for Fine Arts, Baghdad, Iraq
Jordanian National Museum, Amman, Jordan
Arab Art Museum, Doha, Qatar
The British Museum, London, UK