Walid Zou'bi - Artist Bio


"Headless" by Jordanian Danish Artist Walid Zou'bi

"Headless" by Walid Zou'bi

In a Few Words

Born in: Amman, Jordan

Lives In: Amman, Jordan

Background: Walid works in fusion art, mixing and blending all forms and styles of art.

Primary Themes: Zou’bi’s inspirations come from his interests in the Theology, Occult,  Anthropology, and Multiculturalism.

In a Few More Words

Walid Zou'bi is a Jor-Danish Hybrid (A Jordanian, Danish, and many other lineages combined), born in Jordan raised as a wildling with an international flair.

Walid studied Fashion Design, Beauty Therapy and Art therapy in England and Denmark, worked as an Entertainer, a Jewellery-designer, and Art-Director in venues and businesses all over the world.

Walid works in fusion art, mixing and blending all forms and styles of art. From Watercolour, pen & ink, Airbrush, Make up, Digitised, and re-worked prints, he doesn't conform, nor does he kow-tow to trends, and usually baulks at being pigeon-holed into any form, or constrained by labels. 

Zou’bi works in all mediums and was one of Jordan's first artists to utilise prints re-worked, plus Giclée.

He has exhibited all over the world and yet remains one of the most elusive and exclusive artists in Jordan, who nowadays enjoys commission work in religious iconography and vestments.

Walid Zou’bi’s inspirations come from his interests in the Theology, Occult,  Anthropology, and Multiculturalism.