Studio Visit Replay: Music Of The Soul by Nicholas Scott x Yafa Arts & Crafts x Marsoum

In early January, we announced The Studio Visit Series, a creative solution aimed at bringing some of the joy of experiencing back into our lives during lockdowns. Along with Cornwall, ON based Egyptian-Canadian artist and cultural connector Yafa Gowaily, we revealed a series of monthly studio visits that connect us in virtual rooms to artists of all disciplines.
To learn more about the Studio Visit Series, check out our recent Journal entry where we made the announcement.
January: “Music Of The Soul” with Nicholas Scott
The first studio visit in this series took place on Saturday, January 30, 2021. This visit was titled “Music of The Soul” and featured accredited music therapist (MTA) Nicholas Scott. Nicholas is the founder of Music & Soul, a social enterprise that supports connectivity with self and others through an eclectic approach to wellbeing and health. They do this through Music Therapy, the Intuitive Arts, Palmistry and Reiki.
Music & Soul is dedicated to providing community members with services that give them the supports needed at present. They also take great pride in being accessible, Innovative, culturally sensitive and ethically driven.
Watch a replay of the half-hour long Studio Visit to see how our guests reflected on a heartwarming acoustic performance of the 1999 breakthrough hit “The Middle” by Jimmy Eat World.
The Studio Visit Series: The Outcome of a Growing Partnership with Yafa Gowaily

These free visits are the first of several collaborations that further deepen our growing partnership with Yafa Gowaily. Yafa operates under the moniker of Yafa Arts & Crafts. Yafa will also be joining the Marsoum Art Collection with a series of new artworks this winter (join the Marsoum Insider list to be the first to know).
Yafa, along with her partner Kaiser Moussa, is the driving force behind Fan Bel Arabi (فن بالعربي من كندا / Canada Art In Arabic) is a video podcast that launched in early 2020. Fan Bel Arabi primarily focuses on Canadian artists originating from the Arab World, making it the first of its kind. We crossed paths with Fan Be Arabi when they covered our story and our most recent virtual exhibition, “Comfort In Chaos” by Qahtan Alameen in December 2020.
Learn more about Fan Bel Arabi and watch their past interviews on their Facebook page.
Written by: Abdulah S Al-Ghoul
Abdulah Al-Ghoul is a digital project manager and strategist with a background in several industries including hospitality, fine arts and marketing.
Abdulah founded the Marsoum Art Collective in 2018.